domingo, 25 de mayo de 2014


1,Reverse translation
1.        Esta noche me gustaría ver una película de suspense.
2.       Yo prefiero ver musicales.
3.       ¿A ella le gustaría ser pintora?
4.       ¿Entiendes el argumento?
5.       Si fueras novelista, ¿qué género de libros escribirías?
6.       Si yo escribiera novelas, tendrían finales felices.
7.       Si no me gustara el libro, dejaría de leerlo.
8.       ¿Tus padres estarían tristes si tú vivieras en otro país?
2, Part 3 Write 50–100 words using three paragraphs, choose ONE option.Your English teacher asked you to write a story. Your story must begin with this sentence:
A. The film I enjoyed the most is....
B. If I had five minutes to live I’d…
3.Answer four of these questions. Use complete answers and the reason for it.
1. Where would you go if you won a plane ticket to anywhere in the world?
2. What would you do if you won a lot of money?
3. If you could have one skill,what would it be?
4. How would your life be different if you were rich?
5. If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?
4  Complete the sentences with a film genre.
1_ My mum loves ______________ – she knows all the songs.
2_ I like ______________ films because I can always solve the mystery before the police.
3_ My dad likes ______________ – I think he’d like to be a cowboy himself.
4_ I don’t like ______________ films. I get so frightened I cover my eyes with my hands.
5_ I think ______________ films are interesting because you can learn about historic conflicts between countries.
eat / not stop      enjoy / see        go / arrive            have / go know / send
not spend / study   speak / visit      watch / have

Complete the second conditional sentences using the correct form of the verbs. (16 marks)

1_ If we __________ by car, we __________ by 5 p.m.
2_ He ____________________ all the episodes in one day if he ______________ the DVD of the series.
3_ They ____________________ chocolate every day
if their parents __________ them.
4_ If she __________ French, she __________ Paris.
5_ If I _______________ her email address,
I _____________________ her an email.
6  Correct the sentences. Some are correct.

1_ In the future we’ll be able watch TV on our phones.
2_ Today you can’t smoke in public places.
3_ As a child she could to swim very well.
4_ Next week you’ll be able to getting up late.
5_ I cant carry the shopping – it’s too heavy.
6_ He couldn’t see her – there were too many people.
7_ You won’t be able to see the last episode because we’re going out that night.
8_ They can’t to hear you – speak more loudly.
9_ I did could touch my toes when I was five.